PANDAS / PANS / AutoImmune Encephalitis

As Naturopathic Doctors, we identify and treat the root cause of PANDAS / PANS to help you get your son or daughter back to health.
PANDAS / PANS is an infection-triggered autoimmune condition that can have a sudden and dramatic impact on the lives of both the child affected by the condition and the family coping with it.



PANDAS (also known as Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infection) and PANS (or Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) are two conditions that are typically characterized by a sudden and dramatic onset of the following symptoms:

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Anxiety, separation anxiety and irrational fears
  • Tics (motor and/or verbal) and Tourette Syndrome
  • Food restriction
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Sensory sensitivity and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
  • Depression, irritability, aggression
  • Hyperactive energy/new onset of ADHD-like symptoms
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Self-Injurious behaviour
  • Behavioural regression
  • Deterioration in performance at school/handwriting regression
  • Urinary frequency, urgency, accidents or bedwetting
  • Hallucinations

PANDAS is a diagnosis that follows a Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcal infection (such as Strep throat, Scarlet Fever, Streptococcal pneumonia, perianal Strep, or Strep impetigo) however not every child diagnosed with PANDAS has a confirmed Strep throat history or a positive Strep test.

PANS is a similar condition, associated with an infectious trigger other than Streptococcus, which may include Mycoplasma pneumonia, viral infections, or Borrelia (Lyme disease) and other tick or vector-borne co-infections (Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Babesia and others).

Testing + Support


The following tests may be warranted, depending on the case:

  • Strep throat swab and culture
  • Strep antibody titres: Antistreptolysin-O titer (ASOT), Anti-DNase B Antibody titer
  • Testing for other infections such as: Mycoplasma, Lyme disease and co-infections, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) I and II, Human Herpes Virus (HHV6), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Coxsackievirus
  • ANA autoimmune test
  • Food Sensitivity Panel
  • Testing for celiac disease
  • Stool analysis for bacterial and yeast overgrowth, beneficial bacteria levels and parasitology
  • Additional Strep swabs: nasal, teeth/gums/tongue, perianal, stool
  • Organic Acids Testing
  • Cunningham Panel
  • Neurotransmitter testing
  • Mycotoxin testing for mold exposure
  • Histamine testing


Supportive treatment strategies for PANDAS and PANS are unique to the needs of each child. A general Naturopathic protocol may include:

  • Antibiotic therapy (Prescription available in BC only or via referral to NP in ON)
  • Herbal antimicrobials
  • Probiotics
  • Natural or pharmaceutical neurotransmitter support (Prescription available in BC only or via referral to NP in ON)
  • Immune support and immune system modulation
  • Natural, OTC, and prescription anti-inflammatories (Prescription available in BC only or via referral to NP in ON)
  • Gut healing program for digestive tract inflammation, infection, dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance), IBS, or leaky gut syndrome
  • Dietary modifications such as anti-inflammatory diet, low sugar diet, low histamine diet or low glutamate diet
  • Anti-parasitic treatment
  • Biofilm disruption in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Nasal/sinus sprays to kill bacteria, fungal overgrowth and disrupt sinus biofilms
  • Antibiotic and antimicrobial mouth rinses (Prescription available in BC only or via referral to NP in ON)
  • Other recommendations not offered by High Five Family Health: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, IVIG, Plasmapheresis

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